What to expect after taking a homeopathic remedy?

There are many possibilities you can experience with homeopathy. Even before a remedy has been suggested and taken many clients feel a change after the consultation. As with all aspects of this process awareness is crucial. Try to release any judgment from your experience (this is good, I don’t like this…) and just observe what comes up for you.

A remedy is like a pebble dropped on a calm lake. The response to the remedy your use will spread  to all parts of you, like the ripples on the water moving to the shores.

You might notice an increase in an overall feeling of well being, your energy might be lighter, you might notice you are tired and need to nap or sleep more, your dreams might be more noticeable (you know we love dreams!).

The subtleness of homeopathy is new for many of us. Perhaps the symptoms that were most noticeable and concerning are not in the forefront of your thinking and you have a different focus.

Return of old symptoms, things that haven’t been around for awhile can be a good sign of the healing mechanism being activated in your system.

If you find journaling helpful this might be a good time to write your observations.

It is good for us to be in touch two weeks after you take your remedy for a brief phone check in.

If you need to reach me quickly please indicate if the situation is emergent on a text or phone message- I will try to return your call promptly. If you don’t hear from me, try me again in 15 minutes. When I am in session with a client my phone is on Do Not Disturb. As soon as I can respond to you I will. Use the resources of your physician and/or the ER when needed.

Janice Solomon, CCH


