Ginger cinnamon tea helpful for sore throats

Here’s a gift for you from In the Kitchen.

A soothing comforting tea for sore throats, coughs and is warming to the body and energy especially helpful in colder weather.


Ginger cinnamon tea

3 round slices of fresh ginger root

1 cinnamon stick

Fresh lemon

Local honey


Place ginger and cinnamon stick in small pot with 2 cups of water.

Bring to boil then simmer for 15 minutes until water turns amber, golden brown color.

Ladle a cup of tea into a cup, add fresh lemon juice and lemon and honey (to taste)


Best ingredients to use:

Organic ginger , scrub outside and unpeeled.

If not organic ginger peel before using.

Organic lemon, washed well, cut in half to squeeze into the tea and add fruit to tea if desired. If not organic only use juice.

Cinnamon sticks , organic and non-irradiated.

Local honey, raw if available.

Water filtered in a Berkee or other effective filter


